United Way of Delaware’s PRIDE Council 6th Annual Anti-Bullying and GSA Summit took place Oct 28, 2017 at Polytech Adult Education Center in Woodbridge, Delaware. LGBTQ students from middle and high schools across Delaware participated in workshops, interactive  dialogues , and received information about crucial community resources. Featured guest speaker Democratic Congresswoman Lisa Blunt – Rochester (Delaware’s first African American and female representative) delivered a heartfelt speech about the importance of  self value.

As the Anti – Bullying and GSA Summit expands and evolves to meet the needs of LGBTQ students across all three counties in Delaware , new events such as a talent show were added to the agenda. Students shared similar and contrasting experiences through out the day giving all in attendance new perspectives on a myriad of issues. The friendly, safe and relaxing environment within the event allowed for another successful year of Delaware’s LGBTQ student community to come together and be stronger united.

Sponsors and partners included Bank of America, ARC (Adolescent Resource Center), Big Brothers Big Sisters, Delaware Guidance Services, Christiana Care Health System, Delaware Health and Social Services, Delaware Dept of Education, M&T Bank and The LGBTQ Section of the State Bar Association. United Way of Delaware’s PRIDE Council along with it’s volunteers and supporters are making  a measurable impact across the first state on behalf of LGBTQ youth and their families.